Plant or Flower pictures used in this website may not depict the current state of actual plants being sold, rather it represents a mature state in ideal condition.
You have to apply belowmentioned semi natural insecticide at your own risk. Please do your own research before applying any of our recommendation. Your experience may not exactly match with ours. We are not responsible / accountable for any adverse results you obtain.
Any plant care instructions provided here is from our own growing experience. Your experience may not exactly match with ours. We are not responsible / accountable for any adverse result you obtain. Please do your own research before implementing our exp
A common semi-natural way of treating insects on your beloved plants:
You can create an emulsion of :
1 liter of Luke warm water + 1 teaspoon Neem oil + 0.25 teaspoon dishwashing soap
Spray that to your plants (particularly the underside of leaves and crevices) wherever you see any infestation. Neem oil has Azadirachtin, a natural insecticide that works well against many common insets. Soap helps to make the emulsion and helps to alter surface tension dislodging insects.
Pls note: Spray during early morning or late evening when the temperature is cool. Do not expose your plants to sunlight on the day of spraying. Oil droplets work like a prism which can concentrate sun light burning your plants if exposed to sunlight.
Holy Basil (Krishna / Rama Tulsi) Osimum sanctum:
Holy Basil (Krishna / Rama Tulsi) Osimum sanctum care:
Considered as medicinally important having antibacterial properties and Holy plant
Characterstics: Tropical plant. Krishna Tulsi turns upper leaves dark purplish colour under continuous exposure to full sun. Rama Tulsi remains green.
Following is the care for all Osimum sanctum varieties :
Temperature: Thrive well between roughly 22 C to 25 C . In Canada whenever lowest temperature falls below 15 C this plant need to be brought indoor
Light: Loves sun. Does well when daytime duration is longer. In Canadian winter as daytime duration becomes very short and most of days are gloomy, it will need extra artificial light. Grow light does well. (High Lumen high Kelvin light) from appx 3 inch apart on its top glowing for 12-16 hours will also work.
Water: Water (or check) appx every 2-3 days allowing potting mix or soil to dry out about quarter way down between watering. Expect to water daily when left outdoor in full sun or brighter light conditions.
Humidity in the Air: Thrives at 60 to 65% relative humidity. In Canadian winter arrange humidifier or use spray bottle to mist the plants occasionally.
Soil: Very good quality potting mix with Perlite. For Canadian indoor use mixing proper level of Perlite works better. Contact Sikdar Gardens for ready best quality soil.
Fertilization: During its rapid growth phase eg in summer can be fertilized with Sustained release fertilizer to suppliment soil nutritional value for the plant. Contact Sikdar Gardens for SRF.
Jasminum sambac (JASMINE):
This Jasmine has common 3 sub varieties: Maid of Orleans (small flowered), Belle of India (double layered petals), Grand duke of Tuscany (multilayered petals)
Called in different names at different parts of the world: Motia, Mogra, Mallika, Malli, Sambagita, etc
Characterstics: Tropical plant, produce very fragrant flowers
Following is the empirical care for all Jasminum sambac varieties :
Temperature: Thrive well between roughly 18 to 25 C . In Canada whenever lowest temperature falls below 15 C this plant need to be brought indoor
Light: Jasminum sambac thrives in bright indirect light to full sun. It is not suited for low light conditions. South or West windows are ideal. East windows may work but lack of direct sunlight can inhibit flowering. Consider addiing artificial light / grow lights if your home doesn’t provide enough sunlight. When kept outdoor during late spring / summer please watch if plant leaves are getting burnt as UV index in Canada is high. If required can cut off light to required proportion with help of shade cloths.
Water: Water every 1-2 weeks allowing potting mix or soil to dry out about halfway down between watering. Expect to water more often in brighter light conditions.
Humidity in the Air: Jasminum sambac can tolerate normal room humidity but will benefit from high humidity and produce more flowers. If the air in your home is usually dry and arid, which happens often in Canadian indoor due to furnace / AC run, consider boosting humidity in the air by running humidifier or any innovative way.
Soil: Allow your Jasmine Sambac to acclimate for about two weeks before you consider potting or repotting. Any good quality, well draining potting mix can be used. For Canadian indoor use mixing proper level of Perlite works better. Contact Sikdar Gardens for ready best quality soil.
Fertilization: During its rapid growth phase eg in summer can be fertilized with Sustained release fertilizer to suppliment soil nutritional value for the plant. Contact Sikdar Gardens for SRF.